Web Site Optimization
Section 2: Image Optimization, Optimize Graphics - Tutorials, Resources, Tools, Books
Want to make your images load faster? Need to speed up your page load times, streamline and optimize your photographs, Web graphics, and images?
Many of us already consider optimizing images for Web use by reducing the file sizes as much as possible without noticeable visual degradation. Another aspect of optimizing images is their actual use, such as combining several icons into one image and using CSS for presentation or using one background image for several purposes, also using CSS positioning. Below are tutorials on various approaches to optimizing Web site images and their use, including tutorials specifically for optimizing images in Adobe Photoshop, Corel Paint Shop Pro, and compressing and optimizing Adobe Flash files.
Within the Graphics Optimization, Optimize Images section below, you'll find helpful resources to articles, tutorials, and tools to show you how to optimize your images to reduce their file sizes without degrading how they appear on your Web sites, along with smart ways to combine images using CSS (CSS image sprites), andcompressing and optimizing multimedia files.Website Optimization: Speed, Search Engine & Conversion Rate Secrets. By Andrew B. King. O'Reilly (07-08-2008)Your
pages can load faster, you'll save bandwidth, reduce file sizes, reduce server space, and much more by optimizing your Web site's performance.
Know of some good articles, tutorials, books, or resources related to Web site optimization or server-side compression? Recommendations are welcome and encouraged!
Retrieval Date:4/10/10