- In computing, JPEG (, ) (named after the Joint Photographic Experts Group who created the standard) is a commonly used method of lossy compression for photographic images. The degree of compression can be adjusted, allowing a selectable tradeoff between storage size and image quality. ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG - A file format commonly used for image compression; An image file in that format
en.wiktionary.org/wiki/JPEG - This group defined a format for encoding photographs that uses fewer bytes than the pixel-by-pixel approaches of GIF and PNG, without too much visible degradation in quality. The format (JFIF) is casually referred to as JPEG. About JPEG pointers from W3C
www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/Weaving/glossary.html - Joint Photographic Expert Group - a compression algorithm for condensing the size of image files. JPEGs are very helpful in allowing access to full-screen image files on-line because they require less storage and therefore are quicker to download into a web page.
www.nebraskahistory.org/lib-arch/research/photos/digital/glossary.htm - A lossy compression technique that can reduce the size of a graphics file by as much as 96 %.
publications.europa.eu/vademecum/vademecum/9313fdfe-c49e-119e-45c6a6441e63e066_en.html - JPEG is an image format, useful for making high-quality photographic- style images of relatively small file size.
www.bradley.edu/help/glossary.html - JPEG is a file format used primarily to compress photographic images. JPEGs reduce the original image size by subdividing and simplifying complex images, allowing them to transfer more quickly across an Internet connection. ...
www.texastech.edu/identityguidelines/glossary.php - is an industry standard for compressing images. This format provides lossy compression (you lose sharpness from the original) by dividing the image into tiny pixel blocks, which are halved over and over until an adequate compression ratio is achieved.
www.ti.com/corp/docs/investor/dsp/glossary.htm - Joint Photographers' Expert Group - a type of compression that minimizes the amount of color information in your image that is actually not distinguishable by the human eye. JPEG compression rates can be very high, although using it too many times on the same image will result in a loss of quality.
www.uic.edu/depts/adn/seminars/webgraphics/glossary.html - was formed to create a standard for color and gray scale image compression. JPEG describes a variety of algorithms (rules), each of which is targeted for a specific type of image application. JPEG is the default format for most digital cameras. JPEG 2000 is the latest version. ...
www.bostonprintbuyers.com/resources/glossary/j.html - Easily compressed graphics format that displays photographic as well as graphic images. JPEG is a newer format than GIF. Up
www.adserversolutions.com/adserver/adterms2.html - Joint Photographic Expert Group. A graphical file format used to display high-resolution colour images on the World Wide Web.
www.netsetgo.com/glossary.php - compression; Joint Photographic Experts Group
www.epa.gov/records1/gloss/gloss00.htm - A common process for compressing digital images.
www.youthedesigner.com/2007/09/22/design-terms/ - An industry standard file type that can be shared across the internet and between computers. Unlike some proprietary file types, most computers can open and view .jpg picture files without having to install other software to be able to view the file. ...
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